Sunday, August 3, 2008

Boring. Unless ...

Time for some better visual catching up with Harrison. We've normally posted only photos and been too lazy to take the time to upload video of little H and his shenanigans, but his grandparents want to see his gapped teefers in living color (the duration of these videos are a litmus test of "grandparent-ability"; apologies in advance for all who are not in this category)


bestgrandkidsever said...

Annie, I'm not the grandparent and I loved watching him! He gets cuter--and I think more active--every time I see him!

Jen Anderson said...

I am just dying to get my hands on that little boy! He is so cute Anne! When are you guys coming to CO. to visit us?!?! Hey, I can't find your phone #, so email it to me!

Jeff and aimie said...

Wow! that is one studly kid. I wonder what the kid's vertical will be if he keeps up the jumping.