Friday, November 21, 2008

Harrison-isms at 17 months

I just love this picture of Harrison, Claire and I. It really has nothing to do with this post - I just like it.


So our little guy is quite the talker. This makes for some pretty good laughs when words just don't come out quite right.

So I have provided a cheat sheet for those who will be having conversations with him in the near future......

F-Word (you know the one) = Frog, Fox, or Fork depending on context

Heeeeef = Uncle Heath

Nanna = Banana or his actual Nanna (my mom)

Doser = Bulldozer

Tuck = Truck

Ty-ang-ul = Triangle (thanks Sesame Street)

Dye-soar = Dinosaur (
always followed by a roar)

Pansss = Pants (translation: get them off me) always followed by a collapse on the floor and tears - he HATES pants

O-gurrt = yogurt

jaf = Giraffe

Guh-ma = Grandma

Guhmpa = Grandpa

Lithey = Aunt Lizzy

Side = Outisde (as in NOW!)

Pow = Snowplow

You get the idea. I love listening to him try to mimic everything I say. It's hilarious.

One other funny story..................

He LOVES animals and ALWAYS points them out as we walk/drive along the street. I laughed so VERY hard the other day when I heard him shout
"COW" from the back seat as we were stopped at a stoplight. I looked over to see what he was pointing at and saw this:

He then moo'd all the way up the block.

All I could say was 'YES Harrison ------ that was a cow.'

**This of course is not the ACTUAL dog we saw - but it looked exactly the same and was just as big. Who breeds dalmatians and Great Danes anyway?


The Lanyons said...

I live the "Dye-soar" with a roar! It reminds me of George from Peppa Pig. Is that cartoon available in the US - or is it just British?

SandyKay said...

Hi Howe Family ~ I just found you from Kim's blog!!! Yeaahhhh ~ Harrison is getting so big. What a cutie. He's a mini me of his dad! Annie I love your blog and contents. Aunt Colleen told me I just had to see it. Here is our blog if you want to link up :-)

Good to be in touch. Remember the invitation to come to Montana is always open!

SandyKay & Cy

Jay said...

The pants thing makes sense. Jordan hates pants too.

Tiana Johnson said...

It's a harlequin great dane...they're my favorite color of danes. He says so many things already! Hyatt didn't really want to talk until he was almost 2!

Sabrina O'Malley said...

I love the translations. My kids have all used the F-word too. For them it usually means firetruck or just truck. It makes for a great conversation piece when they start shouting it in public. :) I also love that he is always wanting his pants off. Just wait till he learns how to take off the diaper.

Alexis said...

This is great- just the kinds of things you want to remember. It will make for great stories around the table at family gatherings!

cmjkmj said...

I am still laughing...definitely a cow in our books too! Sure wish we could spend a day with you and your cute family, my favorite stage is Harrison's right now--could eat him for breakfast he's so cute!