Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Little Miss Ava - 2 months

Length: 24 inches - 95% Weight: 11 pounds - 54%

Random Notes

So I have decided that I am going to try to take more pictures with me AND my kids - even if that means spiderman beanies and blurry self-portraits taken in the mirror....

Potty Conversations:

After changing a particularly disgusting diaper....

Me: Harrison, do you think today is the day you would like to start using the potty? Then you wouldn't have to have diapers.

Harrison: Well.....yes.

Me: You would? Lets choose some underwear to try on. Do you think that will be fun?

Harrison: Well.....OK. But R2D2 had snow on his head. It was funny.

There you have it.

And one more thing......Happy Spring from Salt Lake.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Cabin Fever

makes us take self-portraits.......

Align Center
Harrison tries his hand at photography........

we build legos and do our own version of the Olympics.......

we act silly...........

but mostly we just wish it were spring.