Friday, October 2, 2009

Go Jazz

Quote from Jordan: "I NEVER thought this day would come."

Meaning this: Harrison was a little tough on us at first (I have actually mentally blocked out the first 10 months of his life so I don't have an anxiety attack about baby #2). So when Jordan looked at me during the fourth quarter of Harrison's first professional basketball game and said the above quote - I knew what he meant. Our lives have never included any sort of outing with him after 6pm - EVER.

We would leave family dinners after being there just a short while because he had worked himself into a sweating vomiting tizzy, restaurants were attempted a time or two only to have one of us outside with the screamer while the other wished they were any place but there, etc etc etc.

So when Harrison calmly sat on our laps, transfixed by everything around him - for four entire quarters of basketball - we couldn't help but smile. He loved the crowd - mimicking everything that others were doing (shouting, pointing, fists in the air), the infamous Jazz Bear and all his crazy game antics, and of course the treats! The day has finally come - Harrison functions in public even late into the evening. Oh happy day.


bestgrandkidsever said...

Your mom and I were just talking about what a cute, fun boy Harrison has become and wondered if you had forgotten the days when you thought the entire rest of your life would be spent bouncing up and down on an exercise ball!

Jay said...

I'm dreaming of this day as well....our lives end at 7pm.