Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Weekend Away

I did it. I left town. All by myself. On an airplane back to sunny, warm Huntington Beach. One of my dearest friends was getting married - and the girls were gathering. We ate at all of our favorite restaurants, shopped at beautiful South Coast Plaza, danced and danced at a wedding celebration, reconnected with old friends - and I feel rejuvenated. Jordan stayed home with my little Harrison and they were fine. They went to a movie, watched lots of football, skipped naps, visited family, and ate their weight in M&M's. I think all three of us had a WONDERFUL time.

1 comment:

Jen Anderson said...

I am so glad you got a chance to get away! Girl time is so valuable to us moms!
You look so beautiful being pregnant Anne! Wish we could get together so bad. That little H is growing up so fast and I am just dying to see this little girl.
I may want to come to SL in the near future!