Sunday, June 22, 2008

I think someone loves his dad...

There is something special about a little one and his father. I think this picture says it all. Are they having a chat? If so, what are they talking about? Politics? Dinner? The blond with the arm floaties? We may never know - but my heart melted when I zoomed my camera in from across the pool and saw this. My hubby so proud of his Hawaiian-trunked little swimmer and my son so perfectly content and oh-so-safe with his Papa.

Harrison and I have been swimming a couple of times - but Jordan has never been able to go. So on Saturday night, I assumed the role of photographer, and we headed off to the Rec Center. The Lazy River and the Whirlpool were no match for Big H and his dad - and I was lucky enough to snap some quick pics as they zoomed past!

The highlight of the night (other than a kid getting a GIANT bloody nose that left me standing in a small pool of blood) was seeing how the men in my life love each other so much. The night was full of laughs and proud moments for me watching my babe grow up before my very eyes. He has almost conquered the hatred of his face being splashed and he was able to relax as Jordan had him floating on his back!



The Lanyons said...

You're boys are adorable, Annie. I'm amazed H is ok with water being splashed in his face at age one. Tabby still hates it and is three!

Toria said...

so so cute! I have a picture of Asher and John chatting like that and I LOVE it! I think the kids are gonna have some fun in the water if we can ever all get together!
Have fun with you mom this week!

Anonymous said...

oh my! so stinkin' cute!!

Tiana Johnson said...

Those are all pics from your rec center?? I wish we had something like that here!

Angi and Jared Cowley said...

Okay, Harrison is SO cute! I just wanna squeeze him!

Sabrina O'Malley said...

What cute pictures. You all look so very happy.


Jen Anderson said...

I have been dying all day since I found your blog. Annie- I have to talk to you. It was the best suprise to see you and your incredibly sweet little Harrison. I was so sad that we had lost touch, but now I have found you and I am so excited! We have to talk! you can email me, or call me, 303-953-2315. This is Jen Anderson (Cravens) by the way incase you were scared!! I hope to talk to you soon. Kiss those big sweet cheeks for me!

Kathy said...

Annie......these pictures of Jordan and H are adorable! Just remember "don't blink" he will be Jeremy's age and on his mission before you know it! {{{hugs}}}