Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Asleep? No.

5:00pm - Dinner
5:30pm - Play time
6:00pm - Bath
6:20pm - Lotion and PJ's
6:30pm - Stories and singing
6:50pm - Bottle
7:05pm - Kisses and Goodnight
7:30pm - Thumping of legs on mattress and giggling
7:45pm - More thumping
8:05pm - Thumping turns to whining
8:15pm - Crying
8:30pm - Rescued from crib
8:31pm -
Honey, what is all this black stuff in his neck chubs?
8:32pm - Investigation
8:33pm - Discovery of black stuff -
CRIB PAINT- Ground off by 2 bottom chompers
8:34pm - Assess damage - mildly serious - discuss plastic guards for crib
8:35pm - Lowering of crib to lowest setting
8:45pm - Crawling all over room like a wild man-full of energy
9:00pm - Stories with dad
9:10pm - Back in bed
9:11pm - Tears
9:13pm - One loud leg thump
9:14pm - Silence


Sarah said...

I cannot stop giggling about the term "neck chubs". Such a perfect description.

marlequin said...

So funny! Getting stuff out of the "neck chubs" is always my biggest challenge.

bestgrandkidsever said...


Emily said...

Teething guards have been a life saver for Claire. She chews on her crib all the time!

Toria said...

whoa- I was at the edge of my seat wondering what kind of black stuff- so bizarre! Glad you got it figured out- teething not so fun! Leg thumps to fall asleep- so familiar and so cute!

Suzanne said...

That is too funny! I hear a lot of parents talk about bed time is the sweetest part of their day. In our house it is a nightmare. The kids are tired, whiny and always getting hurt bumping into stuff because they are so tired. I love when they are actually asleep but getting them there is certainly not my favorite part of the day!! Sounds like you had quite the exhausting night:)

Tiana Johnson said...

Man, I don't think my kids go to bed before 10 or 11 pm usually. Bravo for starting on the bed routine so early!

The Mcclellan's said...

Getting them to fall asleep is the hardest part I promise it gets better.

stephalicious said...

you don't know me..i found your site thru my friend suzanne boothe. I can totally relate to the bedtime thing...i have a 15 month old who does basically the same thing! I was laughing out loud when I read your post!!! hilarious! anyway, good luck & hope he doesn't get any more paint in his neck chubs! you can look at our site if you want....greggcircus.blogspot.com

bye! Stephanie