Thursday, October 18, 2007

Tummy time gone VERY wrong...

Everyday my wonderful husband asks me about Harrison's 'Tummy Time.' I suppose he is concerned with the development of his neck muscles - after all, Harrison's larger than normal cheeks and head would cause alarm in most doting fathers. Anyway, this morning I put Harrison down for some tummy time and walked into the kitchen to make a bottle. No more than 30 seconds later I heard a muffled cry. I turned around and saw him rubbing his face on the floor - and this is what I discovered when I picked him up. Nothing like using a little barf as your morning exfoliation.


Emily said...

Yeah... this is amazing! Only Harrison! What a cute face. Annie, you are blessed to have such a sweet little boy. We miss you!

Barry and Shannon said...

I saw your link on Toria's blog hope you don't mind me blog stalking! Harrison is so cute. That picture is hilarious!!!

Spiresfam said...

I found your blog through Emily's. Harrison is such a doll! That is so funny! I love that he is just chillin with all that on his face while you take a picture. What a sweet boy!!
I miss you! When are you headed up here to visit? Soon????!!!! :)

Kristen said...

Now THAT is funny! I'm still cracking up.

Lisa Ridgley said...

I don't know if it's nice to laugh at this ;) Annie, he is adorable - I love the blog, stick with it and thanks for sharing! - Lisa Ridgley (Allen)

Sabrina O'Malley said...

What a cutie! Harrison is adorable, even with the goo.


How adorable! Love you guys! How was Oregon?