While passing a large rack of black bras at Target the other day he shouted: "WOW! Mom! Look at all these mask-es!
Just before his third birthday while being potty trained, Harrison was sitting on the toilet deep in thought when he wowed me with this.....
"I just don't get it mom. Does the poop start in my toes, go up my legs, into my tummy and out my bottom?"
While trying to get him to try something new the other day, I told him he would like it because it was sweet. To which he replied.....
"Mom. Boys are handsome. Not sweet. I won't like that."
He is very into referencing everything with some sort of age time line of when it happened or will happen - but he gets them all mixed up......for example:
"When I was 10 last night I flew on a plane to Disneyland."
"When I am seven I will eat spaghetti with sauce, but it is not for me. I'm three."
"Last night when I was older I turned 2."
"Yesterday I went to Oregon and I was twenty."
"Last year when I was a baby....well actually I was never a baby.....only Ava is a baby and she is crazy. And why does she have diarrhea?"
Love those little boys!!!
I miss hanging out with you guys so much. H is so hilarious and he is too smart for his own good. Can't believe Ava is 10 months old already. What a doll!
Are you sure Jordan didn't say any of these? I can almost hear his voice. Classic. Glad to see you're posting again. So sorry to hear about the loss of all the photos and videos.
I am so happy you have started blogging again. I have loved catching up on your family! So sorry to hear about the break in. Hopefully you can find many of your pictures from others. It is a good reminder for me. My computer is old and if it went down I would really be hurting. Harrison and Ava have really grown up. Such cute kids!
Ivy is the same with her timelines (last year when I was 4 etc etc)
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