For the past eight months (I think that is how long it has been since I blogged...) I have thought on multiple occasions - that I should just sit down and blog. Do a little here and a little there and eventually you will catch up. I took hundreds of pictures of my kids this summer, hundreds of Ava growing from a newborn to a crawling wild little one, hundreds of Harrison turning three and becoming my little man. I should have done it. About five weeks ago our home was broken into and amoungst all the replaceable items that were taken, it is the things I cannot replace that has caused my heart to ache. You see, I, like a lot of other people I know - do not print my pictures as I take them. Back in the days of film - this was not a problem. I kept meaning to, but I just never did. So my photos from the last two years are gone, as well as all the video I have taken over the last three years of my kids.
So I write this not for sympathy - but just as maybe a little kick start for others. Put your memories onto cd or external hard drives outside of your home. Because hard drives in the home get taken too. Anyway, I hope people don't mind if I take a picture or two off their blogs of things that involved my family in the past. I am going to try and piece together events from others photos.
Anyway - I have made a vow with myself to be more diligent about not only blogging, but printing pictures and becoming more organized altogether. So stick with me as I begin blog catch-up!