We just returned from a week in Oregon with my family. It was wild. 13 adults, 3 babies and one three-year old under one roof. Meals were a major production, showers were short, games were played, and it was a white Christmas to top it all off. We had a wonderful time. We took loads of pictures and video footage - my nephew Asher had Harrison laughing the hardest he has ever laughed. We loved it. Thanks mom and dad for a wonderful week. We love Ashland and can't wait to come back!
8 years ago
WOW - it looks like you had a wonderful (but cold) Christmas.
My name is Tara - Tara Quail Jordan will remember be as - from his mission.
It is grea to see your bolg. We also have one at
If you or Jordan would love to drop me an email at
that would be great - I would love to catch up.
You all look so happy and just wonderful!
Have a great New Year
We did have a great time! Thanks for taking all the photos... can you send me some?
It looks like you guys all had a blast! I love family get togethers when the kids are all getting along and games being played and belly laughs being had! I wish that we could've been on the Clark compound for Christmas and come to see all of you guys!
It looks like you had a lot of fun. I'm sorry I couldn't make it over to see everyone, but I didn't want to share my lovely flu with anyone!
Anne, we also had 13 adults and 3 babies at our house for Christmas . . . but only a few of the crew stayed at our house. And while we didn't have an Old School Nintendo to pass the time, we made do with an XBOX 360 and Halo 3 campaigns until 3 a.m. After nearly two weeks of little sleep and a fat-and-calorie rich diet, I'm hoping my body doesn't completely fail me today as I return to work. Give Jordan our best.
Annie! It's Nikki Brown - I just found your blog....Your baby is so cute - and that video is so funny. What an infectious laugh! Visit our blog sometime:
Hope you are doing well - tell Jordan and Harrison hi for me!
I love seeing the pictures of your family, especially the video. Sounds like a great Christmas.
Anne-That is the cutest video...love his laugh! We can't wait to see you guys angain...SOON!
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