I love my Ashland because...
McDonald's, Dairy Queen, and Pizza Hut all went out of business...
Everyone knows to keep the door shut at Lithia Shoes so that Louie the cat doesn't escape...
Every trip to Bi-Mart means you see someone you know or that knows your parents...
Restaurants have names like Happy Falafel...
Shops have hand-written signs that say 'Don't bother with plastic - we won't take it!'...
Grown men and women wearing fairy wings and NOTHING else, will on occasion, dance in the streets...
There are NO car dealerships, malls, or bowling alleys within the city limits...
The middle school marching band uniforms are tye-dyed T-shirts...
The city band decked out in their teal shirts and white pants play every Wednesday evening in the summer at the band shell in Lithia Park...
'Don't panic! Eat Organic!' signs are posted in grocery stores...
It is home to the unparalleled Oregon Shakespeare Festival and the beautiful Lithia Park...
All my childhood memories were made there...
Ashland is where this house is.....
And where this Grumpa shows his grandson all the wonders of the 'cushy' farm...
And where this Nanna plays and plays with her grandson...
We can't wait to come back!